The Country Tart
We Found Balance
I not only lost 90 pounds, but I actually rewrote my life story. Together, with my husband Joe and our "Tiny Tarts", we discovered the "secret" to long term weight management and longevity. We found pleasure in the process of eating *real* food. We learned to love a sustainable lifestyle that helped us all to become happier, healthier, and stronger as a whole.
I knew I had to share my story and help others
I had struggled for a long time only to discover that no pill or magic bean would ever help me become fit, healthy, or strong. What did help was becoming empowered with the right tools and adopting mindsets to make lasting changes that I could stick with for a long, balanced life. So many others around continued to struggle with healthy living; despite all of the information out there, populations remain unhealthy. Drastic surgical interventions, availability of information, nor government legislation have done anything to stop this rapid spiraling trend. This has opened up a necessary and urgent need for change STAT. If we are going to stop the current trends, we have to get better from the ground up. That means we have to make a change where it matters most: where we work, eat, play, and pray. You know, the places we spend our time and with the people we share our lives with. We have everything to gain from embarking on this amazing journey. ~
This Was Me
Up until a few years ago, and for much of my adult life, I struggled with my weight. I tried virtually every fad diet on the planet. When that didn't work, I tried pills. No matter how much effort I seemed to put into it, I would yo-yo up and down and always landed at a higher and higher weight, eventually hitting 213 pounds on my 5'3" frame.
Then These People Happened
Though I specialize in motivation, inspiration, and nutrition resource coordination, I studied nutrition, wellness, and weight management through the AFPA. I am a certified Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. I have been maintaining my own weight, and helping empower others to make lasting change, since 2009.
Becoming a parent helped me see the world--and myself--differently. I wanted to be able to play with my kids. I wanted be able to be there to watch them grow. I needed to become a better role model so that all of us could live long, healthy lives.